Note: Once injected into your body, ester chains are enzymatically removed before the steroid can bind to androgen receptors. The amount of active steroid differs among esterified forms due to the ester’s length and weight.
Before the advent of esterified forms of steroid hormones, testosterone suspension–a water-based solution–was the primary method for delivering testosterone into the body. This form of testosterone, lacking any ester attachment, has a very short half-life in the bloodstream, necessitating injections every few hours to maintain effective levels for therapeutic or performance-enhancing effects. The frequent dosing schedule was not only inconvenient but also made it challenging to maintain stable blood testosterone levels, leading to fluctuating hormone levels that could affect mood, energy, and overall effectiveness of the treatment. The development of esterified forms of testosterone, such as testosterone propionate, enanthate, and cypionate, marked a significant advancement. These forms release testosterone gradually over time, allowing for less frequent injections, more stable hormone levels, and improved patient compliance. The innovation of esterification essentially revolutionized testosterone therapy and steroid use, providing a more practical and manageable approach to hormone replacement therapies and performance enhancement strategies.
Note: Ester chains in injectable steroids affect the release rate and solubility of the steroid in the body but do not contribute to muscle building. They are enzymatically removed before the steroid can activate androgen receptors. Different esters have varying half-lives and occupy a certain percentage of the total steroid weight, affecting the actual amount of active steroid. For example, propionate has a shorter half-life and takes up less weight than enanthate, leading to differences in the total testosterone available.
How many ester chains are there?
Below, you can find a list of the most widely used ester chains for delivering anabolic steroids.
Acetate: Molecular Formula C2H4O2
Commonly known as ethanoic acid, acetic Acid, Acid of vinegar, ethylic Acid, and methanecarboxylic Acid, acetate derivatives prolong the action of steroids for a brief period, typically a few days. Despite misconceptions, no evidence suggests acetate forms enhance fat loss capabilities. Their mechanism does not facilitate fat reduction. This ester is incorporated in oral Primobolan (methenolone acetate), Finaplix (trenbolone acetate) pellets, and sometimes in testosterone variations.
Propionate: Molecular Formula C3H6O2.
Also known are hydroacrylic acid, ethylformic Acid, methylethanoic Acid, Carboxyethane, ethylene-carboxylic acid, Metacetonic Acid, and Propionic Acid. Propionate esters decelerate the release of steroids, maintaining serum levels for several days. Frequent injections, typically two to three times a week, are necessary to stabilize blood concentrations. Testosterone propionate and methandriol dipropionate (comprising two propionate esters linked to methandriol) are among the favored choices.
Phenylpropionate: Molecular Formula C9H10O2.
Known as Propionic acid Phenyl Ester. Phenylpropionate extends the active steroid’s release marginally longer than propionate, necessitating at least biweekly injections to maintain consistent blood levels. Nandrolone phenylpropionate(NPP), is the most commonly associated drug with this ester. However, it’s also utilized in testosterone mixtures such as Sustanon and Omnadren.
Isocaproate: Molecular Formula C6H12O2.
Identified as isocaproic acid, 4-methyl valeric acid, isohexanoate. Isocaproate’s release timeline closely mirrors enanthate’s, though it’s somewhat shorter, maintaining hormone levels for about a week. This ester is present in mixed testosterone products like Sustanon and Omnadren.
Caproate: Molecular Formula C6H12O2.
Also known as Hexanoic Acid, Hexanoate, n-hexoic Acid, Butylacetic Acid, Pentylformic Acid, and 1-Pentanecarboxylic Acid. Caproate shares a similar molecular structure and mass with isocaproate. Still, it differs in configuration, which is not easily described but observable in structural diagrams. Its release profile is akin to isocaproate, with hormone levels sustained for around one week, closely approaching enanthate due to its linear chain. Caproate is notably present in Omnadren, contributing to higher water retention observed by athletes due to this compound.
Enanthate: Molecular Formula C7H14O2.
Also known as heptanoic acid; Oenanthylic acid; heptanoic acid. Enanthate is a widely utilized ester in steroid manufacturing, prominently seen in testosterone and other compounds like Primobolan Depot. It ensures a consistent hormone release for about 10-14 days. While medical applications may involve less frequent administrations, athletes typically prefer weekly injections to maintain even blood levels.
Cypionate: Molecular Formula C8H14O2.
Known as Cyclopentylpropionic Acid; Cyclopentylpropionate. Highly favored in the U.S., cypionate’s release profile closely matches enanthate, lasting about 10-14 days. Athletes often interchange these two, though a slight preference exists for cypionate. Despite their similar structures, they are believed to be marginally more potent than enanthate. The enanthate ester is slightly smaller, potentially releasing a larger steroid quantity.
Decanoate: Molecular Formula C10H20O2.
Identified as Decanoic acid, Capric acid, and nonanecarboxylic acid. Decanoate is predominantly associated with nandrolone (as in Deca-Durabolin) and is available globally. Testosterone decanoate, being the longest-acting component in Sustanon, significantly extends the compound’s release period. Although the release duration is cited to last up to a month, recent observations suggest a noticeable decline after two weeks, prompting athletes to adhere to a traditional weekly injection regimen.
Undecylenate: Molecular Formula C11H20O2.
Also known as Undecylenic Acid and hendecenoic Acid. This ester resembles decanoate, with a release period marginally extending beyond two to three weeks, similar to decanoate but with an additional carbon atom. Primarily found in the veterinary product Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate), its efficacy in human applications is well-documented among athletes, who typically prefer weekly dosing.
Undecanoate: Molecular Formula C11H22O2.
Known as undecanoic acid; 1-decanecarboxylic acid. This rare ester appears in specific nandrolone formulations like Dynabolan and oral testosterone undecanoate (Andriol), offering a similar release period to undecylenate (around 2-3 weeks). Despite being utilized in oral Andriol, it doesn’t possess unique properties compared to other esters. Andriol shows limited effectiveness in testosterone delivery.
Laurate: Molecular Formula C12H24O2.
Referred to as Dodecanoic Acid; Laurostearic Acid. Laurate is the longest-acting ester in steroid production, with a release duration nearing a month. However, significant hormone levels typically wane after the third week.
Found exclusively in the veterinary nandrolone product Laurabolin, its slightly longer activity compared to decanoate might offer an advantage regarding injection frequency, yet athletes often opt for weekly doses due to its modest potency.
“Right to the point. Long esters do not take longer to work that short esters! At least not after the first week. Who does a one week cycle?!
The very notion that long esters don’t kick in for weeks and short cycles require short estersis flat out so dumb, I’m surprised people still believe it. But you know how it goes. Something becomes established bro-science and everyone goes along. I think the fact that so many people are inherently lazy they’re just fine with accepting the myth. But it’s nonsense.
Follow the reasoning.
A “long” ester peaks after about 48 hours and begins to dissipate after 7 days or so. After 2 weeks it’s pretty much out of your system. So obviously, you’ll be pinning at least once a week, which means after 7 days, you will always have a constant level of the drug. It doesn’t sit around and do nothing waiting to work after a month. it’s in and out of your system in two weeks. So the level of 200 mgs of test cyp at day 4 is no different that if you took 50 mgs a day of test prop. And even with short esters and orals, you won’t really see effects for a couple of week. But if you don’t see anything by then, you’re not trying hard enough! I’ve always noticed effects pretty quickly. Slight. But noticable. That means it’s working. And I’ll remind everyone. Back when steroids were first discussed in Duchaine’s book (which I wish I still had because it’s worth a lot of money!) 6 weeks was considered a “pro cycle.” Today, you have nit wits who are 6 weeks into the cycle asking when it’s going to “kick in”.
The only benefit to a short ester is to get optimum levels immediately. And for that, I’d prefer orals. Also, long ester drugs will not extend the cycle! if anything, they provide a natural “leveling off.” Yeah, yeah, I know, Deca is detectable for months after stopping usage, but that’s because the metabolites are detectable. It isn not working months later! It does last a little longer but the last shot will stop building any muscle whatsoever a few weeks after you take it.
So that’s it. I realize this won’t stick. Some people want to believe what they want to believe and will reject evidence, logic, proof, or reason to do so. And there’s always some nit wit who wants to argue to try and prove he’s smart. Fine. But the reality is what it is.
You can use long esters in a short cycle, and vice versa. I personally see no advantage to short esters short of the fact that they cause a little less water retention making them better the last week prior to a contest — for all you professional competitors out there.”
-Nelson Montana
“I have stuck to long esters for 2 reasons….first is for less pinning, lol. I know, I am a “poosy” or whatever BM says. The other is my experience with tren. I ran tren A only once and the sides hit me so hard so fast that I dropped it. With tren E I don’t have this issue. Now, I don’t really run tren anymore being older and with different goals but that is just how I cycle now. In any fashion, great post Nelson. I am always grateful for you sharing your experience and opinions.”
-Masonic Bodybuilder
“Below a list of half-life’s of the most commonly used steroids, esters and ancillary compounds.
Oral steroids Drug Active half-life
Anadrol / Anapolan50 (oxymetholone) 8 to 9 hours
Anavar (oxandrolone) 9 hours
Dianabol (methandrostenolone, methandienone) 4.5 to 6 hours
Methyltestosterone 4 days
Winstrol (stanozolol) (tablets or depot taken orally) 9 hours
Depot steroids Drug Active half-life
Deca-durabolin (Nandrolone decanate) 14 days
Equipoise 14 days
Finaject (trenbolone acetate) 3 days
Primobolan (methenolone enanthate) 10.5 days
Sustanon or Omnadren 15 to 18 days
Testosterone Cypionate 12 days
Testosterone Enanthate 10.5 days
Testosterone Propionate 4.5 days
Testosterone Suspension 1 day
Winstrol (stanozolol) 1 day
Steroid esters Drug Active half-life
Formate 1.5 days
Acetate 3 days
Propionate 2 days
Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
Butyrate 6 days
Valerate 7.5 days
Hexanoate 9 days
Caproate 9 days
Isocaproate 9 days
Heptanoate 10.5 days
Enanthate 10.5 days
Octanoate 12 days
Cypionate 12 days
Nonanoate 13.5 days
Decanoate 15 days
Undecanoate 16.5 days
Ancillaries Drug Active half-life
Arimidex 3 days
Clenbuterol 1.5 days
Clomid 5 days
Cytadren 6 hours
Ephedrine 6 hours
T3 10 hours