SARMs are a great and safe option for females who want to get in on PED usage but are not willing to endure the risks of anabolic steroid use. In this section, I will go over the best options for females, tell you about them, and show you how to dose them
How women’s bodies work
Men and women have different reproductive systems. With men, the nucleus of the hypothalamus is sphere-shaped, but with women, it is shaped elongated. Women produce more estrogen (known as a female hormone), while males make more testosterone (known as a male hormone). Nevertheless, both sexes need some of the other to be healthy. Ask most, and they will tell you that males produce hormones via our Leydig cells (testes) while females produce them via their ovaries. However, this isn’t fully the case. In reality, females produce 25% of testosterone from the ovaries, 25% from the adrenal gland, and 50% via peripheral tissues from precursors coming from the ovaries and adrenal gland, including skin and fat cells. In recent years, more clinics have become willing to prescribe male hormones to females since low testosterone is also becoming a female problem.
Female steroid risks
Before I talk about SARMs, I must be transparent about female steroid use. I have many female friends I have gotten to know over the years who are amazing athletes in the gym who have competed and used anabolic steroids. The problem becomes the virilization risks, which include facial/body hair, breast loss, clitoris enlargement, deepening voice, menstrual dysfunction, acne, and physical changes. Some of these side effects can be permanent.
This is why SARMs are far safer because these side effects are not possible with them, but they are likely with steroids. Another problem is females will involuntarily take mislabeled SARMs, which are something else like prohormones, and end up with these side effects. For these reasons, it is important to use only approved sources for your SARMs.
Best female bulking SARMs
Bulking can be simplified to mean putting on muscle mass and body weight simply. I’ve had girlfriends go with me to the gym and struggle to even lift the bar when they work out, but when I’ve put them on SARMs, they’ve been able to improve their strength and lean body mass within several weeks. When it comes to bulking, there are some really good options with SARMs.
RAD-140 Testolone
RAD came onto the fitness scene about 12 years ago. The objective when it was being developed was to create a SARM that would be similar to a TRT dose of testosterone but without severe suppression or androgenic/estrogenic side effects. The beauty part of this SARM is its ability to bind very well to the androgen receptor, which helps muscle mass improve while also being very selective at the same time. Overall, a female can get all the benefits of a very strong SARM but avoid the masculinizing side effects I mentioned earlier in the section. An excellent dosage of RAD-140 will be 2.5mgs-10mgs per day for 8-12 weeks.
LGD-4033 Ligandrol
LGD is one of my favorites for females. I once dated a very petite woman who weighed no more than 105 pounds and struggled to even lift the bar at the gym. After I put her on LGD for eight weeks and took her with me to the gym, she became stronger and added lean muscle mass. Females should try 2-5mgs per day for eight weeks.
Best female Recomping SARMs
Nutrobal MK-677
Nutrobal is a great recomper because it acts as a growth hormone secretagogue. HGH is one of the best compounds out there for fat loss and gaining lean muscle mass. It also is great for recovery and injury repairs. Finally, you will notice a nice difference in your appetite and also your sleep quality. Users will report that they can sleep longer on this compound simply because they sleep so hard, so they do not require more sleep.
Females can dose 5-15mgs per day in the mornings if they want appetite during the day, or they can dose 5-15mgs in the evening if they want to take more advantage of the sleep and recovery benefits.
Ostarine MK-2866
Ostarine is another rock-solid SARM that helps females build lean muscle mass and mild strength. In studies, it has been shown to increase bone density and reduce body fat as well, although that isn’t the main reason it is used in the fitness world. One of the benefits it has is its recovery and repair properties. Although it wasn’t developed for that purpose, users report a more significant improvement in how they recover from their brutal workouts and also improvements to nagging injuries they may have suffered. A female study was conducted for 12 weeks and showed that Ostarine helped women gain lean body mass while losing fat mass. Real-world data has made Ostarine a popular option for females, as it can help you across the board with your fitness goals.
The best dosage for females is 10-20mgs per day for 8-12 weeks.
Best female Cutting SARMs
Most females I have coached and trained come to me for help cutting down after years of trying different diets to no avail. Hormonal problems and years of building up insulin resistance in the body will make it much harder to lose body fat. In many cases, it isn’t the woman’s fault, but the situation must be reversed to lose body fat. Using cutting SARMs can motivate a female to push more with their diet, training, and mentality. They also can change the way your body uses energy, making it easier to lose weight even on the same diet.
Cardarine GW-501516
There are no better compounds in existence to help burn body fat than GW. Although it isn’t a SARM at all, it is a PPAR agonist; it is still classified as such. The PPAR pathway plays a major role in how our body stores fat and utilizes energy metabolism. GW works by changing this up and putting it on its head entirely. When you exercise while on GW, your body will be more likely to tap into fat stores to gain energy, which will cause you to burn more fat. It is not a stimulant, so that it won’t increase your heart rate or mess with your sleep.
From studies and what I have seen from the thousands of female clients who have used GW, it is important to exercise on it as much as you can to get the most benefits. A dosage of 10-20mgs per day for 12 weeks is ideal. I have found the fat loss benefits start to kick in after week 4.
SR-9009 Stenabolic
SR works similarly to GW, as it is a REVERB agonist. It activates REV-ERB proteins, which regulate fat metabolism and energy expenditure genes, which will force the body to burn up body fat for energy. Users of SR will notice a very pronounced increase in endurance as well. A dosage of 5-20mgs pre-exercise is what I recommend.