In this section, I will lay out the differences between using anabolic steroids vs. SARMs. It is always tempting to want to use the strongest weapon during a battle. However, it may not always be in your best interest over the long term.
It is important to remember that SARMs are selective and will come as close to anabolic steroids as you will get, with way fewer side effects. The reason is that SARMs, unlike steroids, will bind to specific androgen receptors. Anabolic steroids are not selective in their action, and so they completely blow up your reproductive system entirely. It is much easier to abuse anabolic steroids to the point where you end up having major side effects, while SARMs, even when abused, will cause much fewer problems.
Being a much newer class of drugs, SARMs are much more precise in targeting specific receptors to give you the benefits of lean muscle mass, strength, and fat loss. Anabolic steroids can provide you with muscle gains and a strength boost. Still, they will also cause prostate problems, heart strain, liver problems, kidney strain, and more.
By design, Anabolic Steroids are derived from different male hormone derivatives that have been modified to enhance some qualities. For example, scientists can tweak the testosterone molecule to aromatize much less, make it less androgenic, make it more anabolic or less, and change how it performs in the body. This is how you get something like Anavar, which doesn’t aromatize and is less androgenic and more anabolic.
SARMs are derived from a combination of chemical compounds that activate receptors, similar to anabolic steroids, but are selective where they don’t affect things like the prostate or head hair. SARMs target specific receptors to create the good effects we want and don’t create bad symptoms when appropriately used.
Based on what I have already said above, how steroids and SARMs work differently is pretty simple to explain. Anabolic steroids are very good at activating receptors in muscle cells, boosting protein synthesis and making it easier to build muscle. SARMs work by copying testosterone effects within the androgen receptors directly. SARMs bind to the same receptors as steroids and flood the body with androgens that encourage muscle growth and faster recovery.
Side effects from steroids vs. SARMs
Testosterone suppression: Our reproductive system (HPTA) produces testosterone naturally, usually peaking sometime in our early to mid-20s and then slowly dropping off as we age. These male hormones allow us to build strength and muscle much more easily. Many people suffer from low testosterone, which can also affect recovery, libido, and mood.
When you use anabolic steroids, it will cause your own body’s production of testosterone to come to a screeching halt in men. This is due to the pituitary glands realizing that there is too much of an excess of hormones, so they no longer need to be produced. This is called suppression, and anabolic steroids will cause a complete shutdown of your pituitary glands, which can be confirmed by running LH and FSH bloodwork. When you stop using the steroids, your body then crashes and must rebound to produce hormones again. In some instances, the damage done is permanent, and a person must now go on TRT for life.
SARMs only cause minimal suppression, and some SARMs cause none at all. This makes it much easier to recover from even a long 12-week cycle of SARMs. You will maintain some testosterone production even while on cycle, which further aids you.
Infertility: Much like the above situation, anabolic steroids will obliterate fertility in men. It does this by causing stress and shutting down the HPTA. The Leydig cells will no longer be fed hormones to help them produce both testosterone and sperm. Steroids also attack the motility of the sperm, which makes them much less likely to be capable of reaching an egg. Ironically, in today’s modern world, it works for some people who do not want children; it is a natural way to crash fertility. In some situations, fertility will not rebound from a steroid cycle.
SARMs do not cause any permanent fertility problems. Studies and anecdotal data have shown they only minimally cause a drop in fertility; even using them long-term after a SARM cycle, fertility tends to rebound very quickly.
Mood changes: Anabolic steroids affect mood in many different ways. First off, due to the androgenic effects, a person can become extremely aggressive (roid rage) and become violent when using them. Certain anabolic steroids also can make a person ‘hangry,’ where they get angry when they do not eat enough carbs due to a rise in insulin resistance. The bottom line is if you are an angry person, you can get more angry on steroids. SARMs do not cause any sort of mood changes at all.
Acne: A condition where hair follicles under the skin get clogged. If you are prone to acne already, then using anabolic steroids will make it far worse due to the increase in oily skin and rapid changes to hormones. Acne can be extremely embarrassing, and steroids can cause it to occur not just on the face but also in other areas like the back and shoulders.
SARMs do not cause any acne problems.
Hair loss: This is caused by DHT (dihydrotestosterone) frying head hair follicles. When you use anabolic steroids, they typically either convert to DHT or they are DHT derivatives. When you get a rise in DHT in the body, then expect hair shedding if you are already genetically prone. Some steroids are far worse than others, and even people like me who are not genetically prone to hair loss will be shocked at how much hair is lost. This is why many bodybuilders and social media fitness celebrities go bald at a young age. SARMs do not convert to DHT at all; hence, it is not possible to lose hair on them.
Prostate Enlargement: This organ is the size of a small nut and is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. As we age, our prostates tend to get bigger. When you use anabolic steroids, they increase DHT activity in the prostate, which will lead to the early onset of increased prostatic volume, less urine flow, and alteration in voiding patterns. Steroids can also activate androgen-dependent cancer cells by activating receptors that cause them to grow faster. SARMs cause no prostate issues whatsoever, and the good news is some can even benefit the prostate.
Heart abnormalities: Although common in the Western world due to lifestyle. Anabolic steroids will cause androgenic and estrogenic side effects, which will further strain the heart, causing cholesterol issues and high blood pressure. SARMs do not have any effects, and some even benefit cholesterol.
High Estrogen: In men, this is caused by the aromatization of your natural testosterone and sometimes steroids. This can lead to gynecomastia, water retention, and a domino effect of problems, including heart strain and insomnia. SARMs do not cause any estrogen risks because they cannot convert to estrogen.
Liver and kidney Stress: Toxicity to these organs is quite common with oral steroids since most are 17AA, making them liver-toxic. However, even injectables will strain the liver and kidneys. Sometimes, these issues don’t go away after the cycle. SARMs cause very minimal to no effects on the kidneys or liver unless abused.
Masculinization in women: Females can experience significant side effects from anabolic steroids, including voice deepening, menstrual cycle problems, changes to physique (such as breast loss or widening shoulders), clitoris swelling, and body/facial hair growth. Some of these problems can be permanent. SARMs do not cause any of these issues in females who use them appropriately.