Testolone, scientifically known as RAD-140, is a SARM developed by Radius Pharmaceuticals, RAD-140 has garnered attention for its potential applications in the treatment of muscle-wasting conditions and osteoporosis.
Therapeutic Potential and Applications
The development of RAD-140 primarily focuses on providing therapeutic benefits such as:
Muscle Wasting Mitigation: By potentially enhancing muscle mass and strength without the side effects commonly associated with steroids.
Bone Health: Aiming to improve bone density and overall bone health, particularly beneficial in conditions like osteoporosis.
Breast Cancer Treatment: Some studies suggest potential applicability in treating breast cancer due to its ability to modulate androgenic activity.

Mechanism of Action
RAD-140, like other SARMs, is engineered to target androgen receptors selectively, which theoretically allows for the benefits of anabolic steroids (such as muscle growth) without undesirable side effects. The compound interacts predominantly with androgen receptors in muscle tissues and bones, avoiding unwanted systemic impacts and reducing the risk of notable side effects experienced with the use of steroids.
Dosage and Use
Although a universally accepted dosage is yet to be established, bodybuilders and fitness guys often use a daily dosage ranging from 10mgs to 30mgs. RAD-140’s half-life is estimated to be around 12-18 hours, suggesting that a single daily dosage could be sufficient. However, we suggest a dosing protocol of 20mgs of rad-140 per day split dose, 10mgs AM and 10mgs pre-workout, or on days off around 2-3pm.
Side Effects and Safety
Preliminary studies and anecdotal reports suggest Rad140 is well-tolerated. However, a mini-pct is suggested post RAD-140 use.
“The main thing with RAD-140 is its’ ability to give you lean muscle tissue without body fat gains. I would say it makes RAD probably the most sought-after SARM. Think about it: getting lean and increasing muscle mass is the dream of most guys who step foot in the gym. For doses, I found 20mgs/day to be the optimal dose. Around 20mgs, you’ll feel a mental element with RAD-140; it will give you motivation in the gym to train with higher intensity, even on your bad days. You can go up to 50mgs/day on RAD, but I don’t suggest it. I got some mood swings at that dose, almost like being on high doses of steroids. Though I could feel muscle hardness, and the mirror look was amazing, I didn’t like the sides at the high dose. For women, stay with 10mgs per day and try not to go too high with the doses on RAD.”
-Dylan Gemelli
“RAD-140 is a very interesting compound, and I really like it. Indeed, it is pretty unique, as it will increase testosterone levels in quite a prominent way, but yet there will be no side effects related to this increase. For instance, in a scientific study it was determined that you would basically need 60 times more RAD140 than testosterone in order to see any prostate enlargement. What’s more, when RAD-140 was administered together with testosterone, it would supress testosterone’s effects on the prostate, which is also pretty damn great. All in all, it is a compound that really works, and has a lot of benefits. I have used it too, but for some reason (still don’t know why), I did not take any before-after pics – this cycle was quite spontaneous, and the results were great. Just make sure to be getting the real RAD-140 from such source as researchchemicals.co”
-Lev Butlerov