The term “SARM” is an acronym for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. These are a class of drugs known for their performance-enhancing abilities. They are similar to anabolic steroids but are engineered to offer targeted effects to minimize side effects. The pharmaceutical industry initially developed SARMs to address diseases such as muscle degeneration and osteoporosis, among others, hoping to provide a safer alternative to steroids for some medical treatments. However, their usage has since extended into the world of fitness and bodybuilding for their muscle growth, strength enhancement, and fat reduction properties.
Note: While MK 677, SR-9009, and GW-501516 are commonly referred to as SARMs, they do not affect the Androgen Receptor and thus are not true SARMs. To keep it simple, we will refer to these three as SARMs for the rest of this book.
Critical Characteristics of SARMs
Selective Action: SARMs were designed to bind selectively to androgen receptors in muscle and bone. This selectivity is what gives SARMs their reputation for having fewer side effects compared to anabolic androgenic steroids.
The main reason bodybuilders and athletes are drawn to SARMs is the promise of building lean muscle mass. Many SARMs like RAD-140, YK-11, and LGD-4033 are known for their ability to help build muscle mass faster.
Fat Loss: Cardarine GW-501516 is a PPAR agonist that aids in fat loss and endurance. It is very well known by athletes for its ability to enhance cardio endurance and make fat loss easier. As stated earlier, GW-501516 is not a true SARM since it has no interaction with the AR receptor.
Improved Bone Health: Some SARMs are being studied for their potential to improve bone density and health. One in particular, Ostarine MK-2866, is the SARM mainly used by people trying to help heal bone and tendon injuries. Ostarine’s ability to heal bone injuries far exceeds that of any Anabolic Steroid.
Mechanism of Action
Targeting Androgen Receptors
Androgen Receptor Binding: SARMs work by binding to androgen receptors, which are found in various parts of the body, notably in the muscle and bone cells.
Anabolic Effect: When they bind to these receptors, SARMs elicit an anabolic effect, encouraging the growth of muscle tissue and improving bone density.
Selectivity in Action
Tissue Selectivity: The primary appeal of SARMs is their selectivity, intending to target specific tissues (like muscle and bone) and sparing others (such as the prostate, hair follicles, or sebaceous glands) from androgenic effects.
Reduced Side Effects: The selectivity is aimed to provide the same muscle-building benefits of androgenic steroids without a host of side effects commonly associated with anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS).
Hormone Impact
Hormonal Balance: SARMs can impact the endocrine (hormonal) system, potentially disrupting the natural testosterone levels in the body. Though, this is easily remedied with mini-PCT.
No Conversion: As far as we know today, SARMs do not convert to active metabolites that can affect your body in any way. Once the SARM you are using today has done its job, it will be metabolized and excreted without causing any further impact. Conversion to other active hormones is one of the main reasons why using androgenic steroids like testosterone can cause serious side effects. In the case of testosterone, it will convert to other hormones, such as Estrogen and Dihydrotestosterone, both of which can cause undesirable side effects.

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