Within the performance enhancement community, Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) is perceived as a versatile anabolic steroid favored for its quality muscle gains and strength-enhancing properties rather than rapid mass increases associated with other steroids. Its ability to promote red blood cell production enhances stamina and endurance, making it particularly valuable for athletes focused on long-term performance gains. Users appreciate Equipoise for its balanced approach, offering sustainable muscle growth with a lower risk of water retention and estrogenic side effects common with steroids like Dianabol or Anadrol. The steroid’s mild side effects, coupled with its benefits, make it a preferred choice for both bulking and cutting cycles, appealing to those seeking gradual improvements in muscle quality and athletic performance.
However, Equipoise’s long detection time, up to eight months, limits its appeal to athletes subject to regular drug testing, positioning it more favorably among nontested bodybuilders and recreational users. Despite its benefits, performance enhancement coaches are cautious about its use, emphasizing responsible dosing and cycle management to mitigate potential side effects. The steroid’s ability to increase appetite can be a doubleedged sword, aiding in calorie surplus during bulking while posing challenges during cutting phases. Overall, Equipoise is respected for its utility in achieving lean muscle gains and enhancing physical capabilities, with its users valuing the steroid for its efficacy and manageable risk profile, especially when used within recommended guidelines and in conjunction with proper post-cycle therapy.

History of Equipoise
Equipoise, also known by its chemical name Boldenone Undecylenate, is an anabolic androgenic steroid developed for veterinary use, primarily for treating anemia and improving weight gains and general conditions in horses and cattle. Its development can be traced back to the early 1950s when it was first synthesized in an attempt to create a long-acting injectable methandrostenolone (Dianabol), leading to a structurally altered form of Testosterone. Unlike Dianabol, Equipoise was designed to provide a steady and prolonged release after injection, a characteristic that made it appealing for medical and veterinary purposes.
Despite its initial development for veterinary applications, Equipoise found its way into the human performance enhancement realm. Athletes and bodybuilders were drawn to its ability to increase lean body mass and improve muscle quality without the intense side effects associated with more potent steroids. Its mild nature, coupled with the ability to stimulate appetite and increase red blood cell count, made Equipoise a staple in the off-season bulking cycles and precompetition cutting phases alike.
The fame of Equipoise among athletes and bodybuilders has been a double-edged sword, leading to its classification as a controlled substance in many countries, including the United States. Despite its legal status, the steroid continues to be popular for its balanced effects, moderate estrogenic activity, and the low risk of androgenic side effects. The history of Equipoise reflects the broader narrative of anabolic steroids—from medical and veterinary applications to widespread use in sports and bodybuilding, highlighting the ongoing debate over performance enhancement in athletics.

Best Way To Use Equipoise
Equipoise, or Boldenone Undecylenate, is a versatile anabolic steroid that’s popular among athletes for its ability to promote quality muscle mass and strength gains while enhancing endurance and overall performance. Here’s how you can use Equipoise effectively:
Equipoise Dosage
Beginner Dosage: Starting with a low dosage of 200-300mg per week for a 10-14 week cycle is recommended for beginners to minimize the risk of side effects and allow the body to adjust.
Intermediate Dosage: For those with some experience, a dosage of 400-600mg per week for 12-16 weeks can provide noticeable gains in muscle mass and strength.
Advanced Dosage: Experienced users may opt for higher dosages, up to 800-1000mg per week, over a 14-18 week cycle. However, higher dosages increase the risk of side effects . It is also well-known that many top-level bodybuilders stay on steroids year-round; Equipoise taken for so long can cause an unhealthy rise in red blood cell count.
Stacking Equipoise
Equipoise stacks well with various other steroids to enhance its effects: A classic bulking stack includes Equipoise with Testosterone (500mg per week) and possibly Dianabol (30-50mg per day) for the initial 4-6 weeks of the cycle.
For cutting or endurance cycles, Equipoise can be stacked with Anavar or Clenbuterol to promote fat loss while preserving muscle mass.
To improve joint health, Equipoise can be stacked with DecaDurabolin or Primobolan.
Cycling Equipoise: Equipoise cycles typically last between 8 and 16 weeks, with some advanced cycles extending much longer. Due to its long half-life, splitting the weekly dosage into two equal injections is advisable to maintain stable blood levels.
Expected Results: Equipoise is known for providing slow but quality gains in muscle mass, with fewer of the issues associated with more estrogenic steroids, like fluid retention . It’s also beneficial for preserving lean muscle during cutting cycles, thanks to its muscle retention capabilities.
Side Effects: Common side effects include mild estrogenic effects such as water retention and elevated blood pressure, oily skin, and the potential for elevated red blood cell count. Equipoise can also affect natural testosterone production, making PCT necessary to restore hormone levels post-cycle.
Administration and Monitoring
Equipoise is administered intramuscularly, with the glutes and quads being the common injection sites. Regular blood tests are recommended to monitor health markers, especially for those cycling or considering cycling.
Given its benefits and relatively mild side effects compared to other anabolic steroids, Equipoise is a popular choice for both bulking and cutting phases. However, it’s crucial to use it responsibly, adhering to recommended dosages, cycle lengths, and PCT protocols to maximize benefits while minimizing potential health risks. Always go in for a complete physical examination with your healthcare professional before starting any steroid cycle.
“Yeah I think EQ ran at 600mg per week is optimal, need to run longer as of the long ester,16 weeks of EQ is spot on imo. you can run the test at 400mg week.”
“I ran EQ and anavar for one show about 3 years ago. EQ at 300mg/week, anavar at 60mg/day and aromasin at 10mg EOD.
Physique wise – it was a killer combo. Really dry and vascular. No water retention at all.
Shut down – I can’t comment. This is when I was totally entrenched in bodybuilding/modelling and not coming off. I experienced no libido issues on cycle of after, for whatever that’s worth.
Looking back I would of added a TRT dosage to it. Maybe around 150mg/week.”