The concept of “bridging,” when discussed with PEDs, has only been around for the past 30 years. It is essential to distinguish that there are so many various strategies when it comes to how to pull off a successful bridge. Many protocols have been strategized and popularized over the years, but only some have been proven successful. This section will give you the best options for using SARMs to bridge between cycles.
What is bridging and the history?
It is very important to understand what bridging is all about. The general idea is that you want to use PEDs in between a cycle of either steroids or SARMs to better ‘keep your gains.’ This way, by the time you’re ready for your next cycle, you are starting all over again, and you can pick up where you left off.
The concept of bridging was popularized when there was fierce competition in bodybuilding, and massive physiques started to flourish during the 1980s. It was no longer acceptable to stay extremely lean year-round and wait for your competition to bulk into it. During the 80s, it became necessary to stay huge year-round and then cut into your contest. Pulling something like that off and holding onto muscle year-round beyond what the body can naturally keep and produce requires some bridging concepts.
The idea is to create a bridge between the cycle you just ran and the one you plan on running in the future. A nonexample of this is, say, you run a 12-week cycle of steroids or SARMs, then you do a PCT, and then come off everything. Once you are off, expect to give back muscle and strength, and there is a good chance you will also gain back some body fat. Some people end up looking the same as they did before their cycle, and even worse in some cases.
The bridging strategy allows you to run your 12-week cycle, PCT for 4-6 weeks, then bridge for another 8-12 weeks before going back on another 12-week cycle. The bridge will help you keep muscle and strength while keeping body fat away.
Poor bridging ideas over time
I have been around the block a long time, seen millions of forum posts, and interviewed many professional bodybuilders. I’ve heard every theory possible when it comes to bridging. Several strategies have become mainstream that are extremely poor, and I will explain why. The ‘dbol bridge’ came around during the 90’s and early 2000’s. It took flight because it worked well at helping someone maintain their body weight after a bulking cycle. The ‘dbol bridge’ involved using 10mgs of dbol every morning before breakfast. It did its job for sure since guys would gain 10-15 pounds on a bulking cycle and keep most of it during this bridge. However, it failed miserably when it came to the reproductive system since it would cause and prolong the shutdown of the pituitary glands. It also causes liver toxicity since dbol is a 17AA oral steroid and also causes kidney strain, as all anabolic steroids are capable of doing.
Another lousy theory was you could use HCG as a bridge. HCG is a hormone, and it can make a person feel much better with mood, increase testosterone and estrogen, and increase libido. However, it is also suppressive and will prevent the body from bouncing back properly. Another problem is it will most certainly cause a rise in progesterone, which can lead to issues with gyno and other estrogenic side effects that are unwanted.
So, in the end, both ideas had benefits to the person, but they caused so much destruction within the body that it became a poor idea. Nevertheless, I still see these idiotic ideas recommended by people.
Are SARMs good for bridging?
SARMs are extremely effective for bridging, and I will explain several reasons why.
First off, they are much less suppressive and, in some cases, non-suppressive entirely so that they won’t ruin your reproductive system. They also are much less of a threat to affect your organs, including the heart, liver, and kidney, the way anabolic steroids would. Besides those things, SARMs do a great job of helping you burn off body fat, add lean muscle mass, keep you motivated, and maintain strength
Drawbacks for SARMs during a bridge
The only drawback would be if you abused using SARMs. Also, using the right SARMs that are not suppressive would be the best practice. The SARM I would not recommend using is S-23 since it is the most suppressive one and has been shown in some studies to reduce fertility in men. More than I would shy away from are RAD-140 and YK-11 because they are just too strong to be used during a bridge.
Best SARMs to use during a bridge
GW-501516 will help keep off body fat and boost endurance. It is entirely non-suppressive, and you can run it anywhere from 10-20mgs a day for up to 16 weeks. Another benefit to this compound is it will help boost insulin sensitivity, lower cortisol, and other muscle-killing hormones, and help with heart health.
SR-9009 will also help with body fat reduction and will boost endurance. It is also completely non-suppressive. Another nice thing about this option is you can use it at your leisure during a bridge. What I mean by this is you can run it for one week or one day, then take a break from it, then start it up again. You will want to use it always pre-exercise, and it is not necessary to run it nonstop. Dose it 5mgs up to 25mgs max per day.
Nutrobal-MK-677 is very popularly used during a bridge because it is great for holding lean muscle mass, boosting your sleep, and also helping with body fat reduction. It is also non-suppressive. Treat it like you would HGH, and I like a dose of 10-20mgs per day. You can run it throughout your bridge as you see fit, and many users have used it for six months or longer in some situations.
Ostarine-MK-2866 is minimally suppressive when the dosage is kept under 25mgs per day and ran for four weeks or less. This is advantageous because it means that it’s a perfect option to use, especially right at the beginning of your bridge. It will help you hold on to your lean muscle mass and help you keep more strength than you otherwise would have been able to keep.