Bridging: Bridging involves using low doses of steroids between cycles to maintain muscle gains and hormone levels without full suppression.
Blast & Cruise: This approach alternates between high-dose anabolic phases and lower-dose maintenance phases.
These strategies ensure continuous progress while giving your body the necessary recovery time. Competitive bodybuilders with a lot of mass on their frames usually use these approaches to maintain their unnatural size and even add more muscle.
Bridging and Blast & Cruise
3. Low Dose Testosterone Enanthate.
5. Testosterone, Deca-Durabolin, Primobolan Depot and Dianabol.
1. Anavar Bridge Cycle.
This is a very mild Anavar cycle, using only 20mg of Anavar split into two 10mg daily doses. It is enough to maintain size in between big cycles.
Duration: 8 weeks between cycles
-Anavar: 20 mg per day

None required since you will be starting a cycle after this bridge, but follow with a normal PCT after the next full cycle.
NOTE: N2Guard should be used to protect your liver during any bridge that involves oral steroids.
-Use HCGenerate use during the bridge to ensure proper natural testosterone production and testicle size.

2. EQ Bridge Cycle.
Equipoise: EQ is a very mild steroid with a long ester that tapers off on its own; it can be used as a bridging compound between cycles, especially for those focused on maximum endurance.
Duration: 10 weeks.
-EQ 200mg per week.

None required since you will be starting a cycle after this bridge, but follow with a normal PCT after the next full cycle

3. Low Dose Testosterone Enanthate.
Using a low dose of Testosterone helps keep testosterone levels stable and maintains muscle mass without full suppression of the HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis).
Duration: 12 weeks.
-Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg per week.

None required since you will be starting a cycle after this bridge, but follow with a normal PCT after the next full cycle.

Blast & Cruise
Blast & Cruise involves periods of high-dose steroid use (“blast”) followed by lower doses (“cruise”) without completely coming off steroids.
4. Testosterone.
This is a classic testosterone blast and cruise that many men on TRT report doing; they will purchase additional bottles of Testosterone from reputable UGL sources and will add in some weekly shots on top of their TRT, then quickly go back down to their TRT dose just in time for the doctor’s visit. Not just guys on TRT but many bodybuilders that opt for Testosterone-Only cycles will also use this method.
Blast Phase
Duration: 12 weeks.
-Testosterone Enanthate: 750 mg per week.
Cruise Phase
Duration: 12 weeks.
-Testosterone Enanthate: 200 mg per week.

Repeat the blast and cruise phase as many times as needed to achieve the desired results.
Not typically required since the Testosterone will be in continuous use.

Advanced Blast & Cruise
5. Testosterone, Deca-Durabolin, Primobolan Depot and Dianabol:
This is a big boy cycle for guys with a lot of experience. Take 1,000mg of Testosterone per week, and you will move the weights with a lot more ease. Don’t try this one unless you have tried some lighter cycles with these three compounds before.
Blast Phase
Duration: 16 weeks.
-Testosterone Enanthate: 750 mg per week.
-Deca-Durabolin: 600 mg per week.
-Primobolan Depot: 200 mg per week.
-Dianabol: 50 mg daily for the first 6 weeks.
Cruise Phase
Duration: 10 weeks.
-Primobolan Depot: 200 mg per week.

Not typically required since the Testosterone will be in continuous use.