Andarine, commonly known by its research name S4, is a SARM initially developed by GTX Inc. Designed to treat conditions like muscle wasting and osteoporosis, Andarine has found its way into fitness and bodybuilding circles. It’s mainly used to gain strength and stay lean.
Anticipated Benefits
Muscle Mass Maintenance: Andarine has the capacity to maintain and increase muscle mass, especially during caloric deficits.
Fat Loss: S4 can reduce body fat.
Bone Strength: Initially studied for potential benefits regarding bone health, it boosts bone density and strength.

Mechanism of Action
Andarine selectively binds to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, theoretically promoting anabolic effects in these tissues. This selectivity enables muscle and bone strength benefits without introducing a host of androgenic side effects.
Dosage and Cycle Considerations
The basic dose for Andarine S4 is often between 25mg and 50mg per day. However, we have seen 100mgs/day doses, but side effects emerge at the higher dose level.
Potential Side Effects
Vision Disturbances: Unique to S4, some users report experiencing yellow tint and difficulties adapting to dark environments. This has no permanent impact on your vision and goes away after discontinuing S4, but we can see how that can be unnerving to users during the first time.
Hormonal Fluctuations: The suppression is mild, but it’s there. S4 can be suppressive to the testosterone levels.
Muscle and Joint Pain: Some users have reported experiencing unexplained muscle or joint pain during cycles, though this is uncommon.
“S4 is standard use for Men’s Physique competitors. They use it like Winstrol. It’s one of the only steroids to deliver that hardness guys on stage crave. It gives you that dry look when you diet hard, dry, and shredded. That’s what everyone wants. The problem with S4 is vision side effects, which are dose-dependent. The higher the dose, the more likely you will have temporary vision sides, mainly with dosages over 50-75mgs daily. Using 25mgs/day with S4 produces almost no sides. Remember, these vision side effects are temporary and stop shortly after discontinuing Andarine use.”
-Dylan Gemelli